Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Tuesday - Running For The Chicken

Wednesday - July 14th
I had a really nice run today, despite the dismal weather. My brother told me about a new trail in the woods that breaks off from the trail I normally take. I love trail running, and especially going on new trails because you never know what to expect. There was a short but decent sized hill in the middle, and a long gradual downward slope at the end. I didn't see any wild animals, but maybe they were all hiding in their "homes" preparing for the rain storm. :)

Weather: overcast (on the verge of a rain storm), high 60's
Time: 46.07
Miles: ?
Results: I felt like I was moving at a good pace while on the roads, but a little slower in the woods.

Tuesday - July 13th
My first attempt at healthier "real" cooking went surprising well. I had baked chicken, potatoes, and carrots. I didn't get home until 7:00 and I was really hungry, so I immediately threw the chicken into the oven (which needed to bake for thirty minutest at one temperature, and then be turned down). I knew I had exactly half an hour to get in a quick run, so I pushed it, and made it home just in time!

Weather: sprinkling, mid 60's
Time: 30.28
Miles: 3.6 miles
Results: still feeling good