Sunday, July 16, 2006

Five points if you can guess what is in the bag. I will give you a hint, it’s running related and semi-connected to my last post.

Can someone please stop me from buying Hamburger Helper? I feel disgusting after eating it and it doesn’t even taste good. I have about 5 boxes of it in my kitchen and yet I bought three more tonight. (buy one box, get 2 free). It’s probably the only way the store could get it off the shelves. :) How could I resists? I love finding a bargain.

I can only think of one solution–I need to marry a chef!


Running Chick said...

those poor little gummi bears. they never stood a chance in that heat. a perfect example of why you should never leave your 'pets' in the car. =)

Joe said...

Umm, is it unused strawberry Gu? You should try the vanilla or espresso flavours. One thing is NOT try strawberry-kiwi Carb Boom; that stuff will make you hurl faster than you can say "I gotta throw up!".

Jank said...

Gummi bears rock.

And don't knock HH - carbs, protein, good stuff! Wash it down with a beer and a multivitamin, and it's balanced!

Anonymous said...

Another option that's more tasty: Honey Stinger gels. They're primarily honey, which is pretty much the nutritional equivalent of any of the cyber-gels. The one with ginseng is especially funky, and has a nice li'd natural caffeine kick.

I'm also a fan of the old-school Power Bars (now called "Power Bar Performance," I think). The ones that work best for me are those that don't try to mask their origins too much: the malt-nut and peant butter ones are my faves.

And wash 'em down with a little water - always a big plus.

Anne said...

Yep, that's definitely Gummis in total meltdown. Hope your next run isn't as distressful.

brent said...

hehe ;)

Anonymous said...

I guess you tried some "susie's" clif shot blocks?

Unknown said...

it's fun to get a bag of mixed colour ones, leave them on your dashboard and once they melt, let them cool into a big colourful gummi sheet.

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

lol, I buy Hamburger Helper and similar versions all the time. I know I shouldn't but umm its quick, cheap and easy. I guess we should both hang our heads in shame. Me especially as I have been a cook in a restaurant - not trained so not a chef but I can whip up a mean meal. I just hate all the time, effort and mess.