Tuesday, February 19, 2008

20 Used Tissues

I broke out in a fever the day after my last post. So, apparently it is still possible to get the flu even though you had the vaccine. sigh
I went 8 days without running. Today was my first day back and it wasn't as bad as I predicted. Surprisingly, the last mile felt the best.
4.2 miles = 42 minutes

Tomorrow I'm heading to Boston for the day for some sight seeing and shopping---but first, I'm going to school to lysol my classroom and disinfect everything. Germs love to cultivate in a room filled with little kids that often forget to cover their sneezes and wash their hands. I can't get sick again this winter! The last time I did major classroom cleaning, I found about 20 used tissues in a student desk. The student said he was 'saving them for later, in case we ran out of tissues'. I only wish I was kidding. :)


Joe said...

The joys of an elementary teacher!!! 20 tissues!!!!!!

Hope you keep healthy! Nice run!

Jank said...


The "bug" this year is tough, and I'm bitter that the flu vacceine doesn't seem to have been effective, 'cause it was a tough set of bugs, too

David said...

I am trying not to imagine that young man's bedroom at home.

I am glad you are back out there. Training for anything special?