Thursday, September 15, 2005

Adventures at the Run In

(photo of my old sneakers)

I bought a new pair of sneakers yesterday! That sounds like a simple statement, but of course there is a little story to go with it. :)

My first time experience at the little sneaker store called the Run In was interesting. When I first arrived at the store I noticed the small, dusty display window. There were two old, faded sneaker promotion posters hanging on the glass window and behind them the space was filled with shoeboxes. I started thinking—--Is this place still in business? ---Is it possible that I just drove 2 hours for nothing? Thankfully, when I pulled at the doorknob, the door opened. I wish I could have taken a picture of the store. It was crazy! There was one small path open for customers to walk from the cashier to a bench. Other than that, there were shoeboxes everywhere!! The shoeboxes were piled from the floor to my waist, and some even higher.

Immediately I saw the sales clerk, an interesting older man. I explained what I was looking for and he told me take off my sneakers so he could see what type of sneaker I needed. As he looked at them, he muttered a few things under his breath and then scurried off to the back room. At one point I heard a few boxes fall in the back room, which was immediately followed by some major swearing. When he came back I tried initiate some polite small talk, but with his one word responses I didn’t get too far. He did however hand me six pairs of sneakers, which he recommended for my "foot type". I tried them on and I was allowed to take them for a "test drive" outside on the sidewalk. After I picked out a pair (Asics GT-2100), he bluntly explained that my old sneakers were too small for my feet and that I needed a bigger size. I thought---I hope this man really knows what he is talking about. I have been buying size 7 ½ sneakers since high school and I have never had a problem. But I suppose if he can find six pairs of sneakers ideal for my "foot type" in a crazy, crowded little shop then he must know what he is doing.

So I paid the bill, said thank you, and walked out of the store $85 dollars poorer, but 100 percent happy with my new sneakers!

Good Bye Nikes!
February = 22 miles
March = 22 miles
April = 73 miles
May = 85 miles
June = 103 miles
July = 113 miles
August = 153 miles
September (to today) = 69 miles
Total = 640 running miles


Jank said...

Yeah new shoes!

And look at the mileage for the year! Wish I'd done better at keeping track of total mileage and had something satisfying to look back on. THink you'll log another 360 for the year?

Joe said...

The Asics GT-2100 is the best seller at the local running store here. My brother has a pair and he loves them. I'm sure you will too.

BTW, why was there such a jump in your mileage between March (22 miles) and April (73 miles)? I bet your body was really sore after April!

Jon (was) in Michigan said...

You had 640 miles on those Nike's?! Holy moly! Ok, those were totally done, done, done.

I bought a size 11 shoe when I first started running and then had to go back and buy a size up within a few months because my feet got bigger. When the training stops after a race, I can see a noticable change in foot size within a few weeks, and my running shoes will feel a little sloppy for a while.

Glad you got some shoes you like April Anne. I think you will notice an big improvement in foot comfort in your running. And new shoes make you run faster too! :)

ShoreTurtle said...

Wow! Your Nikes deserve a rest! I think that you got your money's worth. I wonder if your new Asics know what they're in for. Have fun!

Run for Chocolate said...

I just got new asics too! Until now I was strickly a Nike girl. I am still on the fence about my new shoes. I probably have to run a little more to break them in!

brent said...

ha thats awesome, good story! wow look at all the mileage. good stuff.

when do we get to see the shiny new sneakers? have a good weekend of running! is this the 20?

Jack said...

I just bought the same shoe a couple weeks ago. So far, I really like them. Basically though, I say that about all of my running shoes! I am easy to please. Good luck with them.

Lara said...

I love the sound of that running store. It makes me think of a corner bar in a not-so-nice part of town with lots of old men smoking cigarettes and drinking drafts, a cranky bartender, and a dog laying on the floor, which is littered with peanut shells. Better than a nightclub any day.

Oh. We were talking about sneakers weren't we. Anyway, that shop sounds supercool and so do your new sneaks!

Michelle said...

They look good on you too! Great run today.

Anonymous said...

LOVE my AsicsGT-2100. I too didn't realize that you needed a size bigger in running shoes.

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

I'm lucky if I can get that many Kms on a pair. No way I'd get that many miles.

New shoes Rock!!!